
Recording Session

Other than photography and writing I enjoy music, especially when it involves recording or a jam session. I think it's a part of me trying to call back to my old days of full-time music that easily seems like so many years ago already. Be that it may I'll take any opportunity I get to play again and will sometimes work up enough courage to sing. A few nights ago I got a chance to record a song with a couple of my musician friends, James and Misha; it's something we desire to do more often but it somehow gets missed among our busy schedules. Regardless, I think I beamed at them feeling so natural and at ease while we talked of chords, beats, and lyrics. Between sets I got a few photos and, also, took a couple of shots with my fish eye camera that I included at the bottom of this entry. Maybe one day I'll include a link to our recordings :)

We decided to get silly and wear hats during our recording session

Misha got this great shot of James in his mask

James breaking down our vocal arrangements.
I accidentally did a multiple exposure on this shot, 
which is why you'll see another frame that's of my 
car's dashboard in the background. Kind of cool.

I look so funny in this shot, almost worried that I'm holding the mic

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