
Photography Class

Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Originally uploaded by kh2rac
Since high school resumed from winter break I've also resumed teaching photography in the after-school program. I guess the schools think I'm doing a good job, because they added two new schools to my list! Now I teach at three public schools with wonderful photography students full of wonder and love for what they do.

One of my students, Rakeem, at Granada High School posted an image today on flickr with a really nice shout out to me. It certainly made my night, especially after long hours today of putting together lesson plans, updating my website, and preparing for an anniversary party. In return for his kindness I'm sharing with you what he said and one of his images.

"So I'm really happy right now. Aside from having really great friends, and getting my schoolwork back in line, I started a photography class after school on fridays from 3:30-5:30 by a program called ROE (Rock on education). The class is awesome. My teacher is awesome too. Her name is Jen May and I suggest everyone go and check her stuff! (www.jenmayphotography.com). Anyways today we had our first assignment which was do some headshots of everyone in our group. I'll upload one or 2 soon! And Im excited to learn alot of new things and actual things. Pretty much my teacher has been the manual, brain, and youtube! And we have a gallery coming up in a few months. SO excited :)  AND, I got a blank wall in my house I can do pics on finally! So I can work on photoshopping more. Well this photo is based of the movie, "Who framed Roger Rabbit."

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